Monday, January 21, 2008

Our First Antenatal Class

Me and my husband attended our first antenatal class at Sunway Medical Centre last Saturday. At first I was a bit doubtful because it costs us RM200 plus RM10 for registration fee to enter the class. However it was a 4 session another 3 more classes to go. After attending the class, it did clear a bit of my doubts and anxiety of pregnancy...thanks to the facilitator, Sis. Chong where she was quite passionate and gave comprehensive lectures about the subject. The first class was about a new beginning in pregnancy and how to do prenatal bonding with the baby.

Just a summary of the class, me and hubby came half an hour early so we waited and watch Mr. Bean on tv. Alex was disappointed lah when they off the tv to start the class....haha. Then Sis. Choong switch on a classical Mozart music which she says soothe the baby and make the baby intelligent. Well, at first i was a bit doubtful but then my baby starts to flutter around in my i think Mozart does work (emm...i think my sis in law or my sis has a mozart CD somewhere). Then the class started, there were only 10 couples (for me smaller class is much better)...Sis Choong gave lectures using Power Point....and gave us lots of useful tips. The biggest tip was do not let the Confinement Lady bully us and take control of our baby (which i truly agree). She also state that there is no reason why we should not wash our hair for a month during the confinement (yes!!). After an hour of lecture, then we took a break for refreshment,...this to my pleasant surprise...they provide us fried rice, curry chicken and 2 types of kuih malay. Alright, this is really worth it...hehe. As usual me and alex are the first one to attack the food and the last one to leave the food....haha. Ok for me , understandable lah coz i am 7 months pregnant, i think for Alex...he is supporting me by eating together -gether lah. The last hour, she show us a video on that babies do form their personality early in the womb and a video on natural delivery through the vagina (alex face became a bit green after that ). Overall, it was a good session....but i think i got a bit of a backpain. I think they really should change the chairs. So I would recommend that first time parents should attend this antenatal class or from other places to prepare themselves...and they do give comprehensive handouts on everything related to pregnancy such as how to breastfeed, pain labour relief options, etc...If that still does not attract you...well at least they give satisfactory refreshments.


Alexia D. Pacis said...

Hey! you forgot to put where that nurse thinks her voice is adored by babies!! Babies stop crying at the tone of her soothing voice! There's a hint of sarcasm somewhere there lol.

Genny said...

oh yah....forgot about I am trying to promote these antenatal classes mah

Alexia D. Pacis said...

ohh..err..ok...I take it back then, only on here though lol. Yes..err..the class is great! errr, nurse soo very helpful! How's that? Eleh, macam I went there also! lol konon lah!

Iamwhoiam said...

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